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Congratulations, Gabriel

Foto do escritor: COMMEMORtis projeto exploratórioCOMMEMORtis projeto exploratório

This afternoon, Gabriel Martínez Bonora, research fellow of the project COMMEMORtis, presented his master's dissertation at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. His thesis titled ATITUDES PERANTE A MORTE NA SOCIEDADE MEDIEVAL PORTUGUESA. OS CA(U)SOS DA PARÓQUIA DE SANTIAGO DE COIMBRA [ATTITUDES TOWARDS DEATH IN MEDIEVAL PORTUGUESE SOCIETY. THE CA(U)SOS OF THE PARISH OF SANTIAGO DE COIMBRA] was considered revealing of extensive work and dedication, and the database built for this research will soon be published and made available to the academic community and the general public.

The examination committee was composed of Saul António Gomes (Chair of the committee), Luís Miguel Rêpas (examiner), and Maria Amélia Campos (representing the supervisors).



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