We are pleased to announce the publication of the special issue What Survives After Death? Parish Communities and Death Commemoration Strategies in the Medieval City – In memoriam Clive Burgess, in the scientific journal MEDIEVALISTA. Coordinated by Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos and Ana Isabel Ribeiro, this volume includes eight articles examining death commemoration in medieval urban contexts. Covering regions such as Portugal, Spain, France, and Prussia, the contributions explore diverse commemorative strategies and the social implications of death rituals. Editorial support was provided by Mariana Barreira.

Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos, Ana Isabel Sampaio Ribeiro 25-40
Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho 41-67
Fermín Miranda García 69-107
Hervé Chopin 109-138
Maria do Rosário Barbosa Morujão 139-165
Marcin Sumowski 167-201
Anne Massoni 203-227
The Role of the Beguine Movement in the Commemoration of the Dead in Douai, Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries
Mary Anne Gonzales 229-264
Luís Miguel Rêpas, Catarina Fernandes Barreira 265-299
We would like to express our deep appreciation to the entire team of the COMMEMORtis project and to the journal MEDIEVALISTA for their invaluable contributions in bringing this Special Issue to fruition.