The Commemortis S. Bartolomeu de Coimbra database
The COMMEMORtis S. Bartolomeu de Coimbra database compiles information from:
CAMPOS, Maria Amélia Álvaro de. A comemoração dos mortos no calendário dos vivos. O obituário medieval da Colegiada de São Bartolomeu de Coimbra. (Edição crítica e estudo do manuscrito). Coimbra University Press, 2020.
Lisbon, Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Colegiada de São Bartolomeu de Coimbra, m. 1-14.
From the information gathered in these sources, we can learn about parishioners and other people linked to S. Bartolomeu through their biographical records, but also research their personal attributes (place of birth, residence, nicknames, etc.) and socio-professional attributes (professions, positions, titles), as well as their kinship or sociability relationships and attributes specifically related to the obituary and commemoration of the dead (masses and other ceremonies, donations, etc.).
General searches can be carried out by keyword or name. searches by attributes are also available.
The database is available for consultation in open access at:
Subsequent access to the Santiago de Coimbra database requires logging out of the S. Bartolomeu database. Please note that, for security reasons, the database is protected and sometimes access is blocked. Therefore, if you have trouble accessing the data, please log out and log back in. The problem should be resolved as soon as you log back into the database. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Coordination: CAMPOS, Maria Amélia; CARVALHO, Joaquim Ramos; RIBEIRO, Ana Isabel.
Collaborators: BARREIRA, Mariana; CAMPOS, Maria Amélia; GUARDADO, Cristina.
Technical support: CARVALHO, João.
Last update and publication: Coimbra, January 2024.
The Commemortis Santiago de Coimbra database
The Commemortis Santiago de Coimbra database compiles information from:
SANTOS, Maria José Azevedo. ‘Un libro de aniversarios de la colegiata de Santiago de Coímbra. Contribución al estudio del culto del Apóstol en la Edad Media’. Ad limina : revista de investigación del Camino de Santiago y las peregrinaciones 9 (2018): 185–224.
From the information gathered in these sources, we can learn about parishioners and other people linked to Santiago through their biographical records, but also research their personal attributes (place of birth, residence, nicknames, etc.) and socio-professional attributes (professions, positions, titles), as well as their kinship or sociability relationships and attributes specifically related to the anniversary book and commemoration of the dead (masses and other ceremonies, donations, details about the burial graves, etc.).
General searches can be carried out by keyword or name. Searches by attributes are also available.
The database is available for consultation in open access at:
Subsequent access to the S. Bartolomeu database requires logging out of the Santiago de Coimbra database. Please note that, for security reasons, the database is protected and sometimes access is blocked. Therefore, if you have trouble accessing the data, please log out and log back in. The problem should be resolved as soon as you log back into the database. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Coordination: CAMPOS, Maria Amélia; CARVALHO, Joaquim Ramos; RIBEIRO, Ana Isabel.
Collaborators: BONORA, Gabriel; CAMPOS, Maria Amélia; SANTOS, Maria José Azevedo.
Technical support: CARVALHO, João.
Last update and publication: Coimbra, January 2024.