Please access another result of our project at this link. With this study, we sought to reconstruct part of the built landscape of the churches and parishes of São Bartolomeu and Santiago de Coimbra, based on the information provided by the necrological documents that underlie the exploratory research of the project COMMEMORtis - What survives after death?

Campos, Maria Amélia Álvaro de, Mariana Barreira, and Gabriel M. Bonora, "Construções, reconstruções e outras perceções dos edifícios nas paróquias de São Bartolomeu e de Santiago de Coimbra, à luz dos seus documentos necrológicos medievais", in Construir e Reconstruir na Europa Urbana Medieval, ed. by Amélia Aguiar Andrade and Gonçalo Melo Silva (IEM - Instituto de Estudos Medievais / Câmara Municipal de Castelo de Vide, 2023), pp. 453–74 <> [accessed 8 January 2024]