During the Workshop, Maria Amélia Campos briefly presented the historical context of Coimbra's parish network, and furthermore the description of the two necrological sources used in this exploratory project. Ana Isabel Ribeiro explained how the TimeLink information system works and its application within the project, followed by the presentations of the two scholarship holders of the project, Mariana Barreira and Gabriel Bonora, regarding the construction of the databases they are designing for each of the parishes under analysis.
As a corollary to our morning, Professor Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho focused on another privileged source for the study of death in the medieval city of Coimbra – a Book of Administration of the Chapels of Souls of Coimbra Cathedral, written during a particularly difficult moment of the Political and Economic History of the Iberian Peninsula – the last quarter of the fourteenth century.
In the afternoon Fermín Miranda García presented a comparative analysis of the Obituaries of Pamplona (1277-1286) and Calahorra (1489), followed by the presentation of Maite López de Guereño Sanz on burial practices of urban elites of Covasrrubias in late 15th century and the presentation of Diego Rodríguez-Peña on narrative descriptions of the death of the king in Castille and Léon during 12th and 13th century.
The discussion on these papers and the meeting between our research team and the members of MIGRAVIT and SEPULTUS research teams members, 31 January, was extremely important as a brainstorm to encourage further ideas for the next months of our project.